Monthly Archives: February 2019

Canadian Red Cross


Designed and developed instructional digital game, learning activities and courses (based on analog content) as project leader:


My role :

  • Designed User Interface
  • Designed Learning Objects, Interactive learning activities
  • Development (team of 2)
  • Quality assurance, final delivery (2005)


Paxium is a role-playing activity that explores civil conflict and international humanitarian law.  This game helps students understand the complexity of armed conflicts and the difficulty in humanitarian decision-making in crises.

URL: no longer available (was deprecated – Flash content)

RESPECT’ED – Online Interactive Learning Activities

The Canadian Red Cross provides education that helps create a safer world for everyone.This program is made of several courses totaling 45 hours of continuing education.


My role as project leader:

  • Designed User Interface
  • Designed Learning Objects, Interactive learning activities
  • Review of deliveries, supervised bugs
  • Quality assurance, acceptance tests, final delivery (2004)


Copyrighted Material. All rights reserved.

My role as project leader:

  • Jeux et cours en ligne (2 heures 30)
  • Design des éléments de l’environnementet interactions
  • Supervision du développement
  • Test et livraisons (complété 2003)