Level 4 Team Notes Design Process

Notes for meetings and asynchronous communication:

– mails/zoom/assignment feedback with Gaming guide:

  • Sat Mar 4 used GG D.O. comments to refine and update my blog post “4:0 Client LIVE Communication”
  • Sat Mar 4 used GG D.O. comments to add comments to my research game and post and get started to work on testing concept similar to move a stickman puzzle.

– mails/zoom with researchers:

– discussion  with friends/family:

  • Sat Mar 4: discussed topics for concept testing with students 1 hour opportunity next week
  • Fri Mar 3: settle on the velocity arrow prototyping feasibility. Great aesthetics using the draw library of shapes (better than cylinder and cone and better than poly lines tried out). Arrow functionalities 2 out of 4: position, magnitude, missing to do direction and reverse speed.
  • from start of class to Mar 3: discussed game design 3 or 4 times per week.

– post with other independent project student and course discussions:

  • Feb 6 meet your team, hello, shared game’s title
  • Feb 11 shared change of pronoun
  • Feb 11 shared details about traffic light sim game
  • Feb 11 and 12 Team identity: shared my studio name
  • Feb 11 and 12 Provided feedback about independent project 2’s studio name
  • Feb 11 and 12: discussion with student and gaming guide about team names being independent.
  • Feb 14 Response to invite to discord channel
  • Feb 23 team draft contract  scoped down to one post done
  • Feb 27 discord channel discussion post: shared learner-persona blog