Analyzing An Award Winning Serious Game

I selected Ludwig game because I’d like to see how they solved the difficult equation:

learning objectives = gaming objectives

( This equation was presented as part of this Ted Talk about Ludwig: TedxVienna – Joerg Hofstaetter – Video Games A Powerful Learning Tool)

Since I decided to shift my instructional material’s design and development to serious games, this is a design aspect that has puzzled me. It seems like compelling stories and graphics do not guarantee for an effective learning experience. Most education games struggle to capture a large audience (I am talking about millions of users) and I am all ears and eyes opened to see what others have done to reach new levels of interest.

Ludwig is a game that has received the prestigious Future Zone serious game Award and was designed with physics instructors, tested in classroom, and aligned with the physics curriculum, I can’t wait to see how they creates rules of play and other game elements.

ted talk presentaiton about Ludwig

Presented at Ted Talk Vienna (2011) by Joerg Hofstaetter. Reproduced under education fair use

Also, The game Ludwig was designed and made in Europe and I am interested to see how it differs from US-designed games.

Analysis Paper Excerpt:

My Analysis Paper can be downloaded as a PDF file below:
