level 4 posts and discussion


Describe your Process

  • Describe your process used over the 6 week period to design your team’s game/simulation.
    • What did you work on specifically?
Following guidance from the course, I was able to iterate many elements of the game. 
I also developed and iterated with my prototype.
I used professional tools to keep track of my iterations and progress, such as version control.
I think without these tools things can get messy pretty quickly.
I also posted most of my work and feedback in my blog (see below).

Reflect on your Process

  • What was successful/not successful?
  • If you could start over, what would you change in addressing the project?
I was successful in making the game evolve and getting a better story, design puzzles that are meaningful for learning.
I was not successful in getting interesting feedback from a researcher I contacted. 
But I did receive great feedback from Danielle. 
I have not been able yet to fully integrate all feedback in my game design. 
It is a busy time of the year at school but I will have more time starting next week.

New Content

  • What new content within the Level was helpful to you as an individual designer?
Knowledge challenges were fantastic to tackle and reflect about. 
I also liked the choices of games to play.

Level 4 posts:

Level 4 Assessment Plan

GameStorming with Purpose and EDI discussion

discussion about motivation and engagement


discussion about hidden mechanics


level 4: Concept Testing and Feedback Summary


Level 4 Client LIVE Communication


Level 4 Team Notes Design Process




Final assignment (PDF file):

TO DO: ADD with feedback and notes