Lessons & Learning Activities



I am the primary author of the lesson’s presentations and quizzes for a 5-hour continuing education course, “Agile Adoption and Case Studies.” I authored pedagogical and training presentations for the units 1 and 2:
Unit 1 – Leadership and Teamwork in an Agile Environment
Unit 2 – Agile Adoption Case Studies

Sample of a “Focus” pedagogical presentation introducing the unit’s learning objectives and topic of study:
What Scrum Values, Roles, Events, and Artifacts are Critical to your Organization?

Sample of instructional material aligned with learning objectives (20=pages PowerPoint content rich presentation):

Learning Activities

As a writer and developer, I contributed to producing online activities for an online course (40 hours) on project management skills. I developed the e-Search-n-Comment and Post-n-Vote interactive activities, including content and tutorials for students. Content is peer-reviewed, with the five authors certified project managers contracted to create the material.
Students’ tutorials about my work:




End of Unit Quizzes are provided as part of the evaluation process to deliver a training certificate to students so they can claim continuing education credits with the certification body.
Sample of my work:

End of unit quiz questions including rationales: